Chernobyl Studio’s Bewertung von Hertz Drums
Scott von Chernobyl Studio hat uns eine tolle Rezension gegeben. Er zeigt, wie man mit Hertz Drums arbeitet, wie diese Samples klingen und zu moderner Musik passen. Scott verrät seine Tipps für die Programmierung von Metal Drums (wie man mit Blast Beats und Double Kicks umgeht). Er erzählt auch, wer hinter Hertz Drums, Hertz Studio steckt – Wojtek Wieslawski und Slawek Wieslawski, zwei polnische Produzenten mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung. Sie haben mit Bands wie Behemoth, Decapitated, Vader und vielen anderen großartigen Bands gearbeitet. In diesem Video verwendet Scott unser Preset aus dem Hertz Drums White Pack.SCHAUEN SIE SICH DIE HERTZ DRUMS UND ALLE IHRE PACKS AN
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<p>what’s up everyone scattered from Trouble Studios today<br />we are finally gonna be looking at these Hertz Drums<br />now I’ve been sneaking this<br />drums into a number of songs already<br />on the channel you heard these drums for example<br />on the Solar Guitar demo that I did<br />these are the same drums<br />now if Hertz is kind of ringing a bell for you<br />that’s because this drum library has been created by<br />Hertz Studio yes<br />the exact same studio that’s worked with behemoth<br />Vader Hate<br />yes<br />they the literally that famous Polish um metal studio<br />they have created their own drum livering out<br />one of the reasons I was really excited about this<br />is because the guys that hurts<br />have a very interesting way that they work on drums<br />right yes<br />they can sound programmed and they can sound plastic<br />and they can sound really sampled<br />but somehow they have the attack of the bite<br />and they cut through the mix<br />so the great thing about this is the processing<br />and the genius of those guys<br />and how they have worked on drums<br />for the last 20 years or more<br />is now in this plugin<br />and we get to use it and it’s fantastic<br />so you heard the demo track here just now<br />the drums are great<br />very little work needs to go into the drums okay<br />so in this video I wanna<br />go over a couple of the most unique aspects of this<br />because I mean a drum library<br />is a drum library right<br />we pretty much got the idea of what it’s supposed to be<br />what you’re supposed to be able to do<br />and there are a couple things that set this one apart<br />so first and foremost let’s kind of close this actually<br />and let’s show you the MIDI okay<br />cause the first thing you’re gonna notice is<br />the MIDI looks complicated<br />and that comes down to the fact that they have sampled<br />the like for example<br />Tom 2 center and Tom 2 side<br />now there’s only one other library<br />that I personally know of<br />that did this and it did it five or six years ago<br />and that was stigmatized drums<br />from a company out in Greece<br />where they sampled a<br />essentially a right hand and a left hand<br />now<br />Tom center and Tom side is basically the same thing<br />cause if you think about it<br />when you’re playing drums<br />if you come and you start playing<br />you’re actually never playing directly in the center<br />when you’re taking two hands<br />so it’s very common you know<br />how many times have you seen this right<br />if you go to a drum a drummer’s Tom for example<br />and the really good drummers have a hole like that<br />where they always hit in the dead center of the drum<br />really bad drummers<br />it’s like they hit the drum wherever<br />and there are different total aspects of the drum<br />if you don’t hit it dead center okay<br />so this makes humanizing the drums<br />even more interesting because you can basically go<br />okay I have a dead center hit and then I hit<br />have a hit that’s a little bit off to the side<br />and that helps<br />create a difference in the tone of the drum<br />so instead of having just a drum machine Tom sound<br />you can get already a different articulation<br />just because<br />it’s a different part of the drum being sampled um<br />then it’s up to you to humanize it correctly<br />now<br />the other thing here is that they have snare edge side<br />rim shot center rim shot side cross stick<br />a lot of dynamics on the snare<br />this is pretty unusual<br />often you’ll see like center edge rim shot stick<br />that’s<br />that’s usually the bare bones of what a good library<br />should have<br />we’ve got center edge center side edge side you know<br />and all these different articulations<br />lend itself to certain plane mechanics<br />you know if you’re laying into the snare<br />in a really slow groove like we are right here<br />you can see it’s definitely snare center<br />now if I’m doing more of a scape beat<br />it’s just by the way it works<br />sometimes we sort of will play off to the side<br />or we won’t hit as hard or both<br />which is what I’m simulating here<br />and then during very fast blast beat<br />I’m actually pushing the stick<br />way out to the side of the drum<br />cause that also happens<br />but it’s also helping accentuate<br />it’s also helping differentiate<br />the different articulations of the snare<br />so we don’t have the same snare center all the time<br />and have to work really hard<br />to make it sound different<br />to humanization<br />we can just use a different articulation<br />bring down the velocity a little bit<br />so to humanize it<br />and then we have a completely different result okay<br />so there are tons of articulations here to include<br />you know the Tom center and sides<br />we’ve got crash crash choke<br />all the stuff here<br />for symbols is pretty much part for the course<br />and what you would expect<br />we got ride tip ride side<br />ride bell ride<br />ride side<br />I don’t know why I put it like that and ride muted<br />you know that’s more of a crash bell obviously side tip<br />now the cool thing about this is<br />I didn’t do it in this song<br />cause I didn’t feel it needed<br />is you can go between like a ride side and a ride tip<br />and it changes<br />the articulation of how things will sound<br />I can show you very quickly so I just try to do this<br />I opted not to do it do it during that part<br />because most people will be fairly consistent<br />when they’re playing the ride<br />at that slow but tempo<br />it’s just Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing<br />so generally you’ll be pretty consistent<br />I just um<br />humanize the notes a little bit to get more of the dot<br />dot dot dot grew into it but um<br />this library works very well with fast music um<br />it’s just<br />it’s the way that the guys process the drums and<br />you know the transients are there<br />they poke through the mix<br />there’s a lot of snap and they just<br />it worked without sounding ridiculous<br />you know cause there are snares out there<br />where you just kind of tap it<br />and it’s an explosion I think<br />there’s a meme online<br />where someone’s doing a snare roll<br />and it’s just a machine gun<br />because you can do that<br />but here we still have an element of neutral<br />natural sounding drums<br />but they are processing the degree<br />that can work in a super dense mix<br />and not only<br />I’ll show you guys some of the presets later on<br />so these are the drums um<br />that I programmed and<br />the other cool thing that I really liked<br />about working with this<br />the great this is a side feature of why<br />I personally enjoy the Tom Center<br />and the Tom side you know<br />if I decide for example that you know what<br />there’s not enough differentiation<br />and velocity between the Tom rules<br />like they sound to machine<br />like instead of having to go again<br />through all of the Tom hits and select every other hit<br />again<br />we have the ability to just drag select like this<br />because I know the Tom sides are gonna be the weekend<br />and here we go I can just literally clicking drag<br />I have all of the left hand articulations<br />and I can move them up or down as needed<br />so it’s it’s definitely an aspect of speed here<br />that I really enjoy<br />um symbols<br />symbols are always the weakest point of a drum library<br />most of the symbols here are pretty cool<br />the only one<br />I personally don’t like that much is this one here<br />uh it’s a custom dark 20<br />it just in comparison like these are very snappy<br />and then that was just like really washy<br />for some reason um<br />don’t know why don’t know how it is<br />but you can sort of work with it by uh<br />increasing the um volume<br />either by the trim knob here or the actual volume knob<br />or decreasing the reverb and the amount of ambiance<br />um I don’t know<br />I just think that<br />that particular symbol really sticks out<br />it’s just like you have Bam Bam<br />super wash so<br />I would like to hear a more fast symbol there<br />instead of a washy slower one<br />um I’ll go over the interface here a little bit more<br />just a second but the<br />as far as using the drums<br />if you can program drums<br />this will be really easy and intuitive for you<br />to learn uh<br />set up your drum map correctly<br />and you’ll be totally fine<br />um I beta tested this<br />and in the beginning is loaded horrifically slow<br />uh there they have fixed that significantly<br />like right now I’m on the version 1 point uh<br />0.4<br />the loading times are significantly faster<br />like if I change a preset<br />it’s about 8 seconds when I loading from zero<br />it’s about 28 to 40 seconds<br />and generally I’m fine with that<br />cause if I’m loading something in<br />I’ve gone to you know<br />get a coffee or I’ve gone<br />go to the bathroom<br />or I’ve gone to see what my daughter is doing<br />I’m usually when I’m loading something in<br />in the beginning of the session<br />I’m generally not sitting here waiting<br />so it doesn’t bother me that much<br />now the UI itself very interesting you<br />I when you look at it it’s all self explanatory<br />you pretty much are used to seeing this<br />if you worked with other jungle libraries in the past<br />you got a mixer knob self explanatory<br />got all your faders here oh 10 channels<br />11 to 20 channels and then the groups<br />now the groups are already routed within the instrument<br />so if I press play<br />it’s already routing<br />you can’t really change or do anything about that<br />however it does mean that the ease of use is<br />oh my kicks are allowed I can<br />I have two options<br />I can come into the plug in itself and turn them down<br />or you know<br />if you are doing a massive<br />multiple output routing system<br />you can create the bus in your dot and do it which<br />you know why if they already have it in the plugging<br />I think that’s great<br />then you have the different libraries<br />and the samples that you can choose from here<br />you can select which instrument<br />either here or by clicking okay<br />so when you click for example<br />the kick or the snare<br />it shows right there what you’re selecting<br />or you can just come down here and select it yourself<br />um it’s good to have both ways<br />I think that’s pretty cool groups now<br />uh they are coming up with a lot of interesting groups<br />now if you look at this here<br />you’re gonna see a lot of time signatures<br />that you’re not used to seeing<br />and BPMs that you’re not used to seeing as well<br />so we have rock not 4<br />4 and here if you write a lot of interesting riffs 7 4<br />11 8 19<br />16 you’ve got groups for that<br />you’re not gonna have groups in many other situations<br />unless you program them yourselves<br />so funk new metal<br />rock know how the groups work<br />it’s like everything else you know you come down here<br />you click<br />click the play button cause we just click the square<br />something’s gonna happen come down here<br />hit the play button<br />and they obviously click the stop button to stop it<br />but here you have two rows of hi hats<br />two rows of rides<br />and then a row of mix so hi hat and ride intros<br />endings and fills<br />it’s pretty cool that instead of showing everything<br />you know and trying to put it in a timeline<br />you just got to use your ear<br />so if you press play and you’re like<br />cool I like that<br />that’s awesome then all you need to do is you can just<br />let me show you real quick<br />but jump out of here<br />just grab this little thing here<br />and drag it to your mini track<br />and boom there it is<br />and shows exactly how it was programmed<br />so if you’re having struggle<br />programming with this particular library<br />it’ll show you the velocities hearing how it worked<br />cool up here we have the preset library now um<br />they have different packs<br />so a blue a regular white pack<br />a blue pack as you can see here<br />alternative rock British pop<br />classic metal power metal<br />progressive rock<br />and these are all four different sounds<br />we’ll go through those a little bit later<br />alternative rock jank<br />funk pop<br />stoner and then I spend all my time in the white pack<br />cause I do metal or rock or rock metal right<br />and then um here you have the audio tab<br />this is where you do all of your routing<br />this is the MIDI so<br />you can change the articulation of<br />what note is playing what<br />so you can re map everything<br />they have a hertz default<br />if you click here for example<br />if you use any one of these<br />it’s already been pre arranged for you<br />so you don’t have to do it yourself<br />awesome I love it when<br />drum plugins do that because<br />it is kind of a pain in the ass sometimes<br />if you have different drum maps<br />and you’re trying to AB<br />or listen to different drum sounds<br />and you always are constantly like<br />oh Jesus I don’t have a drum mat for this<br />this is taken care of<br />these are the settings audio libraries<br />many libraries and then where they are located okay<br />now when we come up here to the mixer in the library<br />for example<br />we always have this right side shown okay<br />again let me show actually the this one okay<br />so the di which is the the actual close source<br />the sub<br />the effects if there are any and then overheads<br />ruining reverb<br />we have basically the same functionality over here<br />and the right side navigation bar<br />so if we click snare we are showing d I sub effects<br />these are where it’s routed<br />and then we can change how much of it that we want<br />if we want no overhead<br />like we want to just nuke the snare in the overheads<br />for some reason you can just turn it down<br />and the tool tip comes up and tells you overhead<br />microphone volume<br />takes a while for the tool tips to show<br />maybe that could be a little bit faster um<br />but you know it’s self explanatory here<br />now<br />the other thing to ambiance for every piece of the kit<br />you can see you can change how much reverb<br />or room that you want in it<br />sometimes in some libraries<br />the other super dry just like<br />oh my God bone dry<br />and you’re sitting there running in the dog<br />trying to pass through a bunch of<br />you know like<br />a room sound or reverb of some kind<br />to make the drums not so dry<br />here you can adjust that if I for example<br />hit the symbol<br />I change the directionality of it<br />and also the bigness of it<br />so the application of this could be<br />if you want to simulate a smaller drum room<br />for example<br />you’re like a really tight three piece of something<br />you can bring the drums in<br />which would be great<br />so you can keep that real intimate feel<br />so you have all of that here at your fingertips<br />which you can do I don’t remember apple pie<br />apple pie so let’s go back to<br />I guess it doesn’t matter<br />I have a preset here and then we have velocity settings<br />we can tell the instrument yep<br />we don’t want to play anything below 60<br />for example<br />also we don’t wanna play anything above 100 okay<br />generally I<br />I don’t touch these in general because I just<br />I only write MIDI at 1:15 velocity anyway<br />I will almost never do 1:20 or 1:27<br />if you guys are my metal drum programming course<br />you know all that already um<br />there you go<br />the dynamic knob here is exactly what it says<br />it sets the dynamic curve<br />so if you crank this to 1:27<br />you have no dynamics<br />there will be no soft touches or anything like that<br />I would recommend just to keep this at zero<br />keep and then don’t worry about<br />I wouldn’t touch this one at all okay<br />now the next thing here is reverse<br />it is exactly what it sounds like<br />it’s gonna reverse the sample<br />you might be thinking<br />why would you want to do that on drums<br />drums are transients how can you reverse a Tom pit<br />wrong wrong<br />how many times you’ve been programming drums<br />and you’re like man<br />will be really cool if I get like a little swell here<br />and then you know<br />went into the symbol correct okay<br />if you if you click so for example<br />let’s here’s the symbol right<br />now if I hit reverse and then<br />there we go<br />we can reverse the sample there<br />and use that for our swell okay<br />you can change the length<br />I can make a really long for example<br />okay and that helps make songs feel way more realistic<br />because sometimes if you’re programming these swells<br />like okay uh<br />you have to experiment like<br />do I need to do 60 fourth notes here<br />can I do 30 second triplets<br />how do I do the you know and sometimes<br />you start getting into the aspect of the symbol<br />and it sounds ridiculous so<br />it’s really neat that there’s a reverse function here<br />that you can use if you want to reverse a symbol<br />hit something like that not to be outdone<br />of course Hertz Drums as far as I can tell<br />it’s all about control of your jumps all right<br />we even have the ASDR curve<br />so attack so attack like a release<br />sustain and decay now these are this particular<br />module will be great for shipping your symbols<br />for example um again<br />we have the symbol here<br />this is off okay<br />for example the release is off<br />that means that the symbol is just<br />gonna go until the sample ends<br />so however it was sampled is however it will play<br />but if we wanna turn this on<br />you know we start delegating milliseconds to it<br />you know we’re telling the sample okay<br />you need to stop playing after<br />you know 12 milliseconds<br />why would this be important<br />so if you’re noticing for example<br />like man my symbols are just going on forever<br />I don’t want them to go on forever<br />they’re mudding up the mixer<br />they’re getting in the way of the vocals<br />you can come in here<br />and you can basically tell the program<br />you know chill out<br />just cut off the symbols after X amount of time okay<br />and that way<br />you can clean up that part of the frequency spectrum<br />for your vocals<br />or whatever it is that you’re doing up there<br />and it’s just more control of the program itself um<br />if you don’t have this in the drum program<br />um programming<br />there’s no way to control the actual samples<br />and the length of it you just kind of shit out of luck<br />you know it’s really annoying<br />and it’s one of those things where<br />I didn’t realize how cool this was<br />until I was looking at Hertz Drums and playing with<br />and going oh okay<br />wow would have been cool if I was using that<br />the other day on this other mixer<br />I was having<br />the exact same problem that I just described<br />so it’s just options<br />lots of cool things that you can do<br />with the sounds of the drums<br />to control and help keep your drum sound tight<br />or expansive<br />or to get out of the way of other elements of<br />of the song okay<br />so once you look up the UI<br />you understand it super simple<br />it’s not difficult at all<br />it’s everything that you would expect to see<br />in any library no routing<br />things like that okay and they sound great<br />they’re really great they have a really unique sound<br />I really like using these for fast tempo music now<br />so that solo demo that I did this demo<br />obviously anything that I know<br />that’s gonna have a lot of double bass<br />or a lot of blast beats<br />and I want that transit to poke through<br />without the snare being hey<br />how you doing you like in your face all the time<br />I’m using this all right now<br />the one thing probably that I could say about this<br />that is a little bit annoying right now is<br />that<br />there is no way to automatically do a multiple output<br />routing into your thought when<br />when this loads you know<br />I have the outputs right now everything’s just one<br />and if you want to change the outputs<br />you have to go one at a time<br />and literally click through this<br />um I already told the guys like that you can’t this is<br />you know and they that’s already being worked on<br />they’re already developing right now<br />it will be in a future update<br />so whenever you’re watching this video<br />if you can do multiple output<br />riding at the click of the button<br />just ignore what I just said<br />but as it is right now it’s really annoying<br />so what I would highly suggest is do it once<br />and then save a preset like I’ve done here<br />cause the multiple output<br />routing will be saved in the preset<br />and that way you don’t have to do it again<br />so and then all you would have to do is you know<br />come in the Q base<br />and just make sure your outputs are all um<br />good to go and then you don’t have to sit here in the<br />in the UI anymore um<br />a small nitpick could be that uh<br />the U UI is not recizable<br />you know I’m on a 5K 27 inch monitor right now<br />and if I didn’t have my glasses on<br />I wouldn’t be able to make heads or tails of this<br />interface now if I’m on a 1080 p monitor<br />obviously this interface will be gigantic<br />and it would be totally fine<br />but as we’re moving on<br />for larger and larger resolutions<br />I think it would behoove the guys<br />that hurts to eventually make the UI resusable<br />so that due to our ginormous<br />you know 4K you know 37 inch monitors<br />this thing is gonna be this big<br />so to make it a little bit larger<br />I think it would be a good idea okay<br />other than that I really appreciate that it’s uh<br />it’s it’s it’s own stand alone thing you know<br />like I have no problem with contact personally<br />I literally don’t care<br />but it is cool that I don’t have to load contact<br />and then load the library<br />you know and like go through like a rapper<br />it’s just here’s the plug in its stand alone Bam<br />good to go um<br />I personally think that’s pretty cool so uh<br />the other things really is that if you click here um<br />you can literally get help from the internet<br />and the videos are very good<br />like if you have a question about any of these modules<br />that I glanced over and maybe you’re like huh<br />you can click that button you’ll get a detailed<br />detailed detailed like 2 to 3 minute video<br />they’re very good very good um<br />fantastic at explaining how the<br />how the technical side of everything works<br />so working with the drums awesome<br />they’re really fun to program because there’s so<br />much control okay<br />and the other thing too about the velocities<br />let me see if I can find this really quick<br />I will cut to it yeah here it is<br />so<br />all of you that have taken my Metal Drum Programming<br />Mastery course I showed you guys step by step<br />how to find the velocities in every sample<br />regardless of the drum library you’re looking at<br />here they have just the groups<br />here are the six dynamic groups<br />and here’s the velocity range<br />and they even spent time to suggest<br />which velocity range would help<br />for the type of notes that you’re doing<br />or type of beats that you’re doing<br />I think this is absolutely<br />something that every library needs to be doing<br />right now um<br />I wanna see dynamic range<br />PDF files of every library now<br />cause I’m tired of wasting my time<br />trying to figure out wow<br />is this the correct velocity layer for blah blah<br />blah blah blah I just wanna go oh<br />so I wanna do ghost notes so let’s see<br />we’re looking at 44 to 22<br />sweet let’s have a look that sounds pretty good oh<br />I can even go to 1 to 21 for super<br />super weak light ghost notes awesome<br />let’s try that<br />and they also talking about 16th and 32nd notes<br />IE for example the song is at 1:30 or 2:60 if you wish<br />and we are doing some really fast notes<br />I typically don’t go that low to 65 to 45<br />but it’s good to know<br />and understand where in the velocity range<br />I should be working so<br />big UPS to her strums for creating that table for me<br />and sending it to me and go here<br />by the way here are the dynamic groups<br />here’s the velocity range<br />don’t have to guess all right<br />let’s have a look<br />see at this really fast blast beat over here<br />um it’s one thing to hear in the mix<br />let’s just go ahead and hear it right now<br />so this particular blast beat that I’m simulating<br />is one that I used to play all the time um<br />it’s not even my ideas I started doing it because<br />when I was playing Henry on the nails<br />by uh<br />by the remains or dechristionize yes<br />I used to be a good drummer uh<br />I would do this particular blast beat or out<br />accent the first beat take a little bit of a break<br />and then blast through the rest<br />accent the first beat<br />I just basically sounding like this<br />okay and the reason I would do that is<br />because the band that I was singing at the time<br />just love blast beats<br />and that’s all the guy wanted to do<br />and instead of just using the symbol all the time<br />with the ride with the bell or whatever<br />I would just start doing it with the hands but<br />and so I was like let’s do the same thing here<br />so we’re really accentuating the 6<br />8 feel of the song when we do this<br />so sounds very musical<br />even though we’re just blasting away on the snare<br />so the snare velocity is quite low<br />we’re in the 90s to the 80s a little bit accentuate<br />accentuating accentuating oh my God<br />accenting English<br />um the main downbeat of every measure here<br />and then of course the hi hats are doing the same thing<br />cause this is simulating a right handed glass<br />and then just doing<br />the notes on the high hat<br />and all around the symbols and stuff<br />so yep nothing out of the ordinary here<br />um yeah<br />I really have nothing else to say about the drums<br />they uh they are affordable<br />you can buy the just the the drums itself<br />I think it’s like 60 bucks<br />um they have the different packs<br />they’re all add on packs<br />but you can just get the entire thing<br />uh actually just pull up the website here<br />yeah exactly<br />so the entire pack the horse jumps bundles 200 euro<br />however<br />you can choose between different versions of it<br />so the the software<br />the Hearst drums itself Hertz Drums light<br />all the different packs for example<br />if you only wanna do metal you only care about metal<br />you could do y’all<br />get the Hearst drums and then the white pack okay<br />so it’s still gonna be less than other companies were<br />you get just a sampler<br />and then you need to get the other packs right<br />which are a bit more expensive okay<br />then they have many groups many groups<br />this particular one specifically<br />not 4 4<br />so every type of group that’s not 4 4<br />and I know they’re coming out with more<br />and we might actually be working together on<br />something like that for a different pack<br />but yeah so Hertz Drums<br />you know<br />it’s it’s cool to see where the hell is the button<br />here it is it’s cool to see studios<br />you know that have been in the business for decades<br />and it worked with amazing bands and amazing drummers<br />who are putting their knowledge to use<br />in programs like this so that we can use them<br />you know if we don’t want a huge bombastic drum sound<br />we want something tight we could try this<br />now it’s very natural sounding the Toms are<br />very natural sounding the kicks are great snare has a<br />it’s a nice crack woody type of snare um and ah<br />the one thing I didn’t show you guys<br />let’s before we move along here<br />same thing with choosing the grooves okay<br />you can choose different different Mikes okay<br />and it’s basically different captures of the Tom<br />so Mike B for for this Tom<br />I can select different ones<br />so this is Tom 1 time 2 time 3 time 4 time 5<br />so the selection will be between Mike a B or C<br />so I can have Mike a or B or Mike a or Mike C<br />it’s very my new different<br />there are very my new differences<br />but are they are there<br />and again I think this is also based on the pack<br />let me so if I<br />so I’m clicking with the left mouse button to to um<br />audition it and if I wanted it<br />then I would click with the right mouse button<br />and then it’s selected now<br />and you can see it’s been loading<br />these are the whites now we move over here<br />this is the red pack<br />and then this would be the blue pack<br />it’s a good idea that<br />they made the colors a bit different here<br />and it’s exactly the same<br />so I’m auditioning this and like yeah<br />I don’t really know about that let’s try the red pack<br />what about the Blue pack<br />so<br />you can very quickly audition the different uh uh<br />samples which is awesome<br />because<br />some of the libraries out there are moving away from<br />some of the click clicking<br />where you could easily audition every sample<br />and it’s really annoying<br />tap to go to a drop down memory menu<br />every time to try a different snare drum<br />I can just click snare drum and go<br />just click click click click<br />find the one that I like and we’re done<br />so very great<br />that’s that’s I like it it’s great so there we go<br />that’s pretty much it guys<br />there’s really nothing else to discuss that it<br />it looks complicated but the UI is very distinct<br />it’s very easy to understand<br />everything is right where you need it<br />there’s nothing nothing more nothing less<br />and the main thing is that they sound great<br />so definitely would recommend them yes<br />Hertz Drums this is a pig review<br />Hertz Drums had pay me to make this video however<br />as I told them and as you guys know the videos<br />you don’t see our videos<br />where I didn’t like the product<br />and I think the product was cool<br />so I’ve used it already<br />I told you already in the beginning of the video<br />I’ve already snuck this into two different demo tracks<br />that you guys have heard on the channel already<br />I just didn’t tell you all right<br />so they’re good I like them<br />I’ve been using them and there<br />I will continue to use them okay<br />so link down below to check out the drums<br />and if you guys like I said<br />I’ve talked about programming these things and how<br />if you guys are struggling with programming<br />metal drums<br />don’t forget I have metal drum programming mastery<br />that’s also down below<br />a to Z on how to think like a drummer in program drums<br />cause I am a drummer um<br />and I know how to program drums<br />been doing it for 20 years<br />so if if you wanna get this<br />and then learn how to program and use this thing<br />you can you know<br />that’s a that’s a great great idea okay<br />so hearts drums check them out<br />give them a spin<br />and let me know what you think about them<br />alright so thank you guys for watching the video<br />I will see you guys in the next one</p>