Große Trommeln in Ihrem Projekt? Es ist so einfach wie 1-2-3

Wie man BIG Drums wie die Profis mit Hertz Drums schichtet!

Erstaunliche Bewertung von Dom Sigalas!

Dom Sigalas ist ein fantastischer Keyboard-Schlagzeuger! Sehen Sie sich sein Video an, in dem er zeigt, wie viel Spaß er mit unserem Produkt hat.

Sie wollen BIG DRUMS in Ihren Mixen? Jetzt ist es einfacher denn je. Mit vorgemischten, sofort einsatzbereiten und großartig klingenden Presets.

Wenn Ihnen das nicht reicht, können Sie Ihren eigenen Sound kreieren.

Große Übersicht über unsere Bibliotheken und einige Tipps, wie Sie sie in Ihrem Projekt verwenden können. Dom zeigt auch einige großartige Tipps, wie Sie Hertz Drums verwenden können, um den natürlichen Klang von Schlagzeugen zu verbessern.


Brauchen Sie eine großartig klingende Gitarre für Ihr großes Schlagzeug? SEHEN SIE SICH DAS PERFECT MATCH IR PACK AN


<p>hello everyone dome here<br />what you just heard was a drum library<br />that I started using in the past few months<br />and I’m really impressed with it<br />and what you just heard was this library<br />with zero processing with an arrangement of guitars<br />bass<br />a really typical rock metal arrangement with big sounds<br />and I did not any q any compression<br />it was straight out of the box<br />so this library is called Hertz Drums<br />and I actually talked about it on my favorite<br />Drum Libraries video<br />if you haven’t checked it out<br />I suggest you check it out right here<br />now I started using Hertz Drums back in August<br />I think<br />and I immediately fell in love because of the sound<br />primarily these drums cut through the mix<br />so I can throw them in a very busy mix<br />I can do sound replacement<br />I can use them as they are<br />and they will always cut through with minimal mixing<br />I want to say straight away<br />this video is kindly sponsored by Hertz Drums<br />but they haven’t watched the video before<br />I released it and they didn’t have any input<br />when it comes to the production of this video<br />like I said I’ve been using these for a while now<br />and I’ve tried them for a long<br />long time before I decided to make this video<br />gonna jump straight into the sounds and as you can see<br />this is the interface<br />and there are three packs for Hertz Drums<br />there’s the blue pack the red pack<br />and the white pack<br />I’m going to play all of the presets very<br />very quickly so the white pack comes with these presets<br />and I’m going to start with the metal preset<br />you know me<br />I always like to play my drums on the keyboard<br />so let’s do it<br />so really really powerful modern<br />punchy big sound<br />and if you’re doing metal music<br />these drums are for you straight up<br />just check<br />the credentials of the people that are behind these<br />drums and you will know<br />I’m not going to go too deep into this<br />but the developers of these drums<br />are responsible for producing<br />and mixing some really iconic metal bands<br />so I would suggest you check it out<br />let’s try the next preset this is called Modern<br />and that’s why I think these drums are so good<br />with layering I’m going to show you in a second<br />how I use them for layering<br />in Cubase progressive metal<br />and they look pretty fast as well<br />now one great thing that exists in these drums<br />that actually was added in an update<br />is that you can go here to MIDI<br />and you can load your MIDI mapping<br />and as you can see there are quite a few presets<br />but I really like to use the General MIDI preset<br />with CC on hi hat<br />so that means that I can go here<br />and where I have my hi hat<br />I can use my mole wheel to open and close the hi hat<br />which is really really cool<br />I really like this feature<br />so let’s play the rock preset<br />now I’m going to go to the blue pack<br />now that sounds very different<br />and you can get this pack separately<br />or you can get them as a bundle<br />but that’s why I’m playing all the sound<br />so that you can check which one is your favorite<br />and if you like all of them<br />then the bundle might make more sense<br />so let’s try art rock<br />rip pop<br />I love this near such a such a characteristic snare<br />and I have to say again these are not mixed<br />I haven’t added anything<br />these are vanilla straight out of the box<br />the next one is called Classic Metal<br />this is also from the Blue Pack<br />and it’s very very tight very tight sound<br />next one on the blue pack is the Power metal one<br />and you know if we’re talking about power metal<br />I have to play double kick right<br />and I’m telling you<br />this is going to cut through the mix<br />because it has this click<br />I mean these guys know how to design sounds for metal<br />right so this is going to cut through<br />it doesn’t have a long tail<br />the kick drum is really really tight<br />so it can play fast<br />and it won’t give you this long test kind of MUD<br />is the sound<br />that’s what I’m saying<br />these are ready to go mixed drums<br />and there’s nothing wrong with<br />you know libraries that are<br />you know unprocessed<br />I like them a lot for other things<br />but sometimes if you want this kind of sound<br />just to create the kick drum<br />might take you a long time<br />okay and then they have to be very<br />very precise<br />and very homogenous for this kind of genres okay<br />they can’t be all over the place<br />now let’s play the progressive rock from the Blue Pack<br />and this is maybe my favorite preset for this pack<br />it’s big it’s roomy<br />but the Toms are really tight<br />again the Toms have the right amount of release<br />for modern productions right<br />I’m not talking about jazz here I’m talking about<br />you know<br />modern drums that hit you in the face for modern rock<br />metal productions and also for replacement<br />I’m going to show you all this in a second<br />now let’s go for the Red Pack alternative rock<br />Gent<br />really nice deep toms<br />on this one look<br />now I’m going to show you a preset that I created<br />on this library and this I called Dom Big Kids<br />I’ve been using this preset for drum replacement<br />for 2 months now so<br />now let me show you how easily<br />you can start creating your own drum kits<br />because these are presets<br />but there’s a lot more in these library<br />so as you can see this is my own preset<br />I can select my snare and I can say okay<br />now I want to change the amount of room and reverb<br />and check how many sounds I can get like this<br />for me this is very relevant<br />because sometimes I use these kind of sounds<br />even for productions that are like<br />let’s say synth wave productions or pulp productions<br />and this kind of sound<br />is a really important one<br />this reminds me a little bit of some<br />snares that Muse used to have in their tracks<br />so you can go and blend the room and reverb very<br />very easily the other thing that you can do is<br />you can change the pitch<br />of each element you can change the mic<br />the direct sound overheads<br />the sub and the effects but then<br />if you want to start piecing together your own kit<br />you can go here to the library sampler tab<br />and this is what I like the most about this interface<br />it allows you to create your own drum kit really<br />really easily it doesn’t involve menu diving<br />it doesn’t involve you know<br />drop down menus it’s very<br />very fast so for example<br />if I go and select my kick drum<br />I can just start auditioning different kick drums<br />so I have left and right let’s try left<br />and I can go here<br />listen to all the different kick drums<br />see how many<br />you can also see which pack<br />each kick drum is contained in<br />so let’s say<br />I like this one because it’s really nice and tight<br />it’s from the blue pack I can just right click<br />and it’s there<br />so you can really create a drum kit in a few seconds<br />it’s really really fast<br />you can create multiple presets really<br />really easily you have reverse<br />you can have an envelope here<br />so you can shape the sound quite a bit<br />now very quickly I want to show you how I use heards<br />drums to do drum replacement<br />and how I do it in key bass<br />now as you can see I have my Hertz Drums here<br />and these are my drums from an acoustic drum kit<br />so I’m going to mute Hertz Drums<br />and then I’m going to introduce them<br />so that you can hear the difference<br />so as you can see these drums on their own<br />the Acoustic Ones will never have a chance in this mix<br />unless you really go deep<br />and start sound designing the drums<br />and mixing them which is loads of fun<br />but you need to have some serious skills<br />in order to do this<br />and sometimes you don’t have the time to do this<br />sometimes there are really tight deadlines<br />so what I do in this case<br />let me show you how I create this<br />as you can see<br />I have replaced the kick drum and snare here<br />and let me show you how I do it right<br />so I’m going to create a new version<br />and let’s take the kick drum for example<br />what I do is I go here to my kick drum<br />and I go to my hit points<br />then what I’m doing is I’m going to edit hit points<br />and as you can see I can change the threshold<br />I want to make sure that every kick drum<br />hit is selected and it has a hit point<br />now what I do is I go ahead and create MIDI notes<br />now here’s what I choose to do<br />most of the times when I want a really consistent sound<br />I go for fixed velocity I go for 100 for pitch<br />for a kick drum I know that it’s going to be on C1<br />because I’m using GM mapping<br />and I’m going to select destination<br />first selected track which is my Hertz Drums<br />so I do this and boom<br />now I have my kick drum right here so now if I play it<br />so basically it’s triggering the Hertz Drums right<br />now<br />the next element that I usually replace is the snare<br />and I’m going to do exactly the same thing<br />going to go to hit points<br />I think that this looks absolutely fine<br />and I’m going to create mini notes<br />in this case because it’s a snare<br />I’m going to select D1 because that’s where snares live<br />if you don’t know about GM protocol<br />check out my video that I’ve done on how to play drums<br />on a keyboard and everything will be super clear<br />so I’m going to have fixed velocity there<br />sometimes with a snare<br />I tend to go for a normal dynamic velocity<br />but in this case I want a really consistent<br />powerful sound so I’m gonna go like this<br />and now I have both elements on Heard’s drums<br />and now the other thing that I wanted to show you is<br />what I talked about before<br />I can go to my snare<br />for example here and as you can see<br />I have selected this one<br />and I can start switching the snares<br />and see which one works better for my track<br />these drums are so good<br />when it comes to drum replacement<br />and you know<br />don’t think they’re going to be useful just for rock<br />and metal and oldie genres<br />these are very useful for pop<br />you know they’re a great way to beef up your drums<br />and like I said<br />they have become my go to drum replacement library<br />just because the sound is so powerful straight away<br />and they’re so fast and easy to use<br />and when I’m doing drum replacement<br />the last thing I want to have is go through<br />super complicated instrument<br />that makes my life difficult<br />so I hope you enjoyed this video<br />hope you enjoyed the drum playing<br />and I hope this gives you a good idea on how each pack<br />sounds like and which one might be for you<br />also thanks so much to Hertz Drums<br />for sponsoring this video<br />and supporting the channel<br />take good care of yourselves my friends<br />and I’ll see you on the next one bye.</p>

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