Great video from Taylor which shows how to work with Hertz Drums. He’s opinion about the software, functionality and of course the sound. How easy and user friendly is our drum software.

Taylor Danley reviews Hertz Drums

Taylor is a huge Behemoth fan and was glad that creators of Hertz Instruments are also owners of Hertz Recording Studio where was recorded and co-produced Evangelion and The Satanist and many many more great bands such as Decapitated, Hate, Vader, Luxtorpeda, Lydka Grubasa. Wieslawski brothers recorded more than 300 albums during last 20 years. Hertz Drums is a natural consequence of their experience as sound engineers and producers. In this video Taylor is testing White, Red and Blue packs. For this particular sound he also used built in sampler.



legendary Polish metalheads
behemoth are one of my all time favorite bands
and specifically the albums
Evangelion and the Satanist
stand out as some of my favorite all time records
so when hurts the studio the track the Satanist
reached out to me
to see if I would be interested in checking out
their drum plugin I was pretty ecstatic
I love the drum SoundOn the sameness with its punchy
huge and incredibly organic sound
so the idea that I could get that through a plugin
was pretty exciting
so today I’m going to show you the plugin
and we’re going to test it out
and see if I can get that behemoth sound using Hertz Drums
what’s up friends and fellow metalheads
welcome to the channel
if you are checking out this video
then there’s a good chance
that you are also a fan of extreme metal
if so tell me what your favorite album
and specifically drum sounds are
down in the comments below
if you have ever tried to record drums yourself
then you probably know
how much time and care go into the process
hurts shared some really interesting stuff with me
about the sessions tracking drums for the Satanist
by the way
I’ve also been informed that they’re adding the snare
used on the Satanist a future expansion pack
so make sure to keep your eyes peeled for that
they were so detailed in the production of the Satanist
that they auditioned four different kits
to make sure that they had the right drum sound
and they even went as far as to change drum heads
for every song they recorded
another detail I thought was pretty interesting
is that they put a huge speaker underneath
Inferno’s drum throne
so that he could actually feel the kick
when he was playing
since that’s how he’s used to performing
when they play live add to this attention to detail
world class equipment
like their vintage Norman overhead microphones
they used for all the symbols
which by the way the symbols
are probably the most impressive part of this plugin
in my opinion
and also stuff like their 2 inch telefunkante machine
it’s safe to say that the samples used in this plugin
are going to be of the highest quality
let’s check out a demo song that I made
and then after I’ll walk you through the plug in
and let you know how I’m using it
what’s up guys hopefully you enjoyed that song
I have an instance of Reaper opened up here
and I’m gonna show you how I use the hurts
drums in that song let’s just dive right into it here
so this is what the program looks like
when you open it up here
but let’s just start with one of the stock kits
we have the white the blue and the red packs
and there are different kits in each one
I will show you how to customize them
here in just a minute
but let’s just go ahead and load up the metal kit
and hear what that sounds like
and so right away
I think the included drum tones sound really awesome
but there’s a lot of things we can do here
I’m gonna
try and cover as much of this as possible in the video
but they do have a really
great collection of tutorial videos on their website
if you really need to go and deep dive into any of this
I’m just gonna
give you an overview of how I’m using this kit
and some things that I noticed along the way
and maybe some tips to help you along in your drum
programming journey
here on the left kick here
I have some samples loaded up
and same thing with the cowbell
I have
you know my secondary snare loaded up here on the toms
I actually loaded the second Tom
I thought this No.
1 Tom was a little bit too high pitched
for me it sounded a little bit too small
I like low deep toms
so I loaded up the second Tom as my high Tom
and same going down
I loaded up the third Tom as my secondary Tom
the fourth time as my third rack Tom
the fifth time is my floor Tom and then down here
the second floor Tom
I have the fifth Tom loaded up as well
but I went in and I pitch
shifted this down by about negative 2.2 so
just to give it a little bit
distinction from the other one
so it does sound like a deeper different drum
and these are all toms from the blue pack
you can see the symbols here are from the red pack
the kick drum is also from the red pack
you can see it’s the Oyster 2414
and then the snare is from the red pack as well
we have the deep 6.5 by 13 inch
so that’s how I have the drum set set up
let’s hear what it sounds like
let’s hear it with all the instruments
we have the mixer
and you can adjust the levels of each drum individually
you can also select the drum by clicking on it
so like let’s say we select the snare here
and you have a whole host of options on the side
you can select between three different microphones
you can change the pitch
you can change how much you want that drum in
the overheads
the sub or how much effects you want on that microphone
so here let me show you if we take the effects off
and we turn the effects all the way up
we get
like a much more compressed and EQED sort of sound
we also have the ambience
so you can control how much is in the room
how much is in the reverb
um and you know it’s on this XY access
so you can just drag it around
it’s really really nice
I like that touch a lot we have velocity controls here
so if you want to change the dynamic range
you can do that we also have reverse here
so if you want to make the hits reverse
I used a reverse symbol at the beginning of this song
and if I wanted to
I could have programmed one of the drums
to do the reverse symbol hit
I actually did it old school
and recorded the symbol sound
and then reversed it in my da
but you could do it that way
you could just have one of your drums
be a reverse symbol and then down here on the bottom
we can adjust the dynamics
so you can adjust the attack
adjust the decay sustain
all of that good stuff very
very versatile very easy to use
very clean layout I really like this layout a lot
now you have your mixer down on the bottom
all of your different drums
but you can actually go into the groups
and I find this super helpful
because normally what I would do is
I would bust out all my drums into groups
and then I would mix the groups together
so they already do that for you
and it’s just really really helpful and convenient
and really just helps you be more efficient
when you’re mixing your drums
and then down on the bottom
we have our master volume and our master dynamics
so if you wanna turn the dynamics for the whole kit
and make it sound like your drummers
hitting harder than the MIDI notes are programmed
you could just turn that master dynamics knob up
and your drummer will be hitting super
super hard
I have the set at about 22 so it’s a little bit hard
next we have the library sampler here
and this is where you can actually change your
different drums for your set
and really get in and start customizing your set
so I have the snare selected here
and you can see we have Mike a
Mike B and Mike C right now we are on Mike C slot 7
which if you look at the instrument right here
it’s a steel 6.5 inch by 14 inch from the blue pack
let’s say
maybe we want to load something from the red pack here
we can audition them by left clicking
and then once we find a drum we like
we can right click and that will now change
that instrument in our drum kit
and that’s all well and good
but let’s say we wanna start layering things up
I really like layering my drums
at least the kick and the snare
I think it can really just add a lot to the drum sound
so what you need to do here is
you need to go into one of your drums that like
you’re not gonna use so I use this cowbell right here
so let’s go into our cowbell and under group selection
we’re actually gonna go to sampler
now you have the sampler loaded up here
and you can select how many dynamic groups you want
all of the samples that I have are split into three
dynamic groups I’m just gonna select three
and then you’re gonna select your different groups
you have group one
which ranges in velocity from 1 to 49
and go ahead and press load
I’m gonna find a look
the drums that I want are right here luckily
I’m gonna go ahead and find the softer hits
sure these ones here
I’m gonna select all the softer hits open
and now they’re loaded
and now I can do the same thing again
with the mid hits only have two of them and do those
and then now with the hard hits
and now we have two snares layered on top of each other
this is the sampled snare right here
in order for those snare hits to hit on the same
midi note
you will need to adjust which MIDI note triggers it
so if we go over here the midi riding
the first thing that she’ll notice is
you have a drop down here
and you can change default MIDI routing
which is really really awesome
especially if you are loading up hurts
drums on a song that you previously recorded
with Easy Drummer
or maybe use Easy Drummer for the songwriting features
you can really easily just select Easy
Drummer to on here for example
and it will automatically detect all the hits
and route them to the correct drum
so that’s very very helpful
now you can see here on snare articulation 1
we have D1 selected so down here on what do we replace
the cowbell so you can see here on the cowbell
if we open this up
I have not only the default C sharp dash 2 selected
but D1 as well so
that is why I’m able to trigger the snare sample off
the cowbell
which might be a little bit confusing at first year
but just know that all of the drums in the hertz
can be replaced with whatever samples you would like
and you can route it however you would like to
it’s super super flexible
let’s go back over here we have a groove section
they are separated out you know
you have this sort of like sampler looking interface
and they’re separated out into intros
ends beats
fills you can select different time signatures
different tempos
and we can play them back and listen to them
we can double the speed or decrease the speed by half
there’s beats over here
very helpful
if you wanna use hurts as a songwriting tool
you can grab this little navigation
looking button here
and just drag these midi grooves in there
if you so desire
if you go over here to this little cog
you have your audio libraries
you have your MIDI libraries
if you want to load up your MIDI grooves
whatever and then you have different modes you have low
medium and high performance
so at low performance
we won’t be using much of our CPU
it’ll be very light so this is really good you know
if you don’t have a lot of CPU power
or if you just wanna be able to run through
and edit things very quickly
without them taking a while to load up
this is what it sounds like
still sounds very good
let’s listen to the same thing in high performance
so the thing that I’m noticing right away
and I’m sitting here listening through studio monitors
I don’t know how well
this is gonna translate through YouTube
on the other end
but just giving you my perception of what’s going on
is I hear so much more detail
especially in the symbols
and that’s always something with MIDI drums
that is always a little bit lacking
like the symbols always sound a little bit
I don’t know
not so great and I think they sound really
really good here
especially running in high performance mode
so that’s why I prefer to run in that mode
you can route out each drums direct microphone
it’s sub microphone its effects
you can wrap that out however you want
so just gives you a ton of flexibility in the mixing
stages so
maybe you wanna go in here
and turn the effects off on all of your drums
and just run those out dry
or run the effects
or process drums out to another channel
you can do it that way
there’s just a ton of flexibility here
it’s very very cool alright
so let me know what you guys think of this plug in
down below
I’m always really excited to mix it up with you guys
down in the comments I personally think that this
plug in is sort of the best of both worlds
it’s fully functional with songwriting tools
and while they may not be as robust
as something like Easy Drummer
I think the core function songwriters need are there
but where this plugin really shines for me
is in the quality and ease of use
within 15 minutes of loading it up
I was able to figure out how to do most of the things
and only had to look up one tutorial on their website
which their tutorials on the website are awesome
by the way and the sound quality is fantastic
you can blend in effects processed signals to taste
or route the drums out
to process with your own effects
it’s just very very flexible in that way
and I’m not super surprised
after talking to the guys over at hurts
and learning about some of the things they did
when they were tracking drums
it seems like the kind of plugin
a very thoughtful engineer and producer would make
with the features
they themselves would want in a plugin
so it’s highly likely that
I will be using this on my demos
going forward and if you are interested in it
I would have no problem recommending it to you
all right if you guys made it this far
thank you make sure to do all the things down there
and I will see you in the next one bye guys


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