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Hertz Go Pack for Kemper

Hertz Go-Pack – That’s the second guitar Kemper Profiles pack from Hertz Studio created by Wojtek Wieslawski

How you can hear there is less gain, more clear and detailed guitar profiles inspired by the work of the Gojira band.
Like in Hertz Impact Pack variety of amps, cabs and mics used for a single profile.
Special thanks to Liverum band for the possibility of using their song https://www.facebook.com./Liverum.music.
Favourite amps Evh, Peavey, Mesa Boogie.


HERTZ GO PACK includes:

  • 22 distorted (mid gain) guitar Kemper profiles;
    1 bass guitar Kemper profile;
  •  Each sound is created from the variety of amps or cabs or microphones or all together;
  • No eq or compression on guitars during the mix;
  • Ready for mix and stage;


Used guitars on recording:  Mayones Regius with Seymour duncan tb-4 / jb / Trembucker and Modulus Quantum Bass.


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