Hertz Drums E-drums connectivity

Table of Contents

E-drums connectivity

In this section you will find several tips and recommendations you might want to follow to seamlessly connect your electronic drums to Hertz Drums.

MIDI-map customization

You can quickly customize your MIDI-map using the Learn Note function by following
the steps below (see Pic.4 for reference):

  1. Open the MIDI page by clicking the MIDI icon in the Top Panel;
  2. Click Info button to see the names of articulations;
  3. Click the MIDI-note of the articulation you would like to change to open the list of MIDInotes.
    Important: The GREY color indicates an unused note. The GOLDEN color indicates a note used for another articulation. The GREEN color indicates a note currently assigned to this articulation.
  4. Click the Learn Note option;
  5. Hit the the e-drum pad or the key on your MIDI-keyboard that you will be using for this articulation;
  6. Click Load to save the changes;
  7. Click Reset to clear the articulation.

Pic. 4 MIDI-map customization

E-Snare configuration

Hertz Drums supports various types of traditional and digital e-drum pads. For best experience we suggest using the following E-Snare articulations available on the MIDI page depending on the type of snare pad you’re using (See Pic.5 for reference):

  • Traditional 2-zone snare pad:

E-snare ArticulationNameDefault MIDI-note
Hertz Drums Articulation 1Zone 1C-1
Hertz Drums Articulation 8Cross StickF-2
  • Traditional 3-zone snare pad:

E-snare ArticulationNameDefault MIDI-note
Hertz Drums Articulation 1Zone 1C-1
Hertz Drums Articulation 3Rimshot Arts.A#-2
Hertz Drums Articulation 8Cross StickF-2
  • Digital multi-zone snare pad:

E-snare ArticulationNameDefault MIDI-note
Hertz Drums Articulation 2Center Arts.B-2
Hertz Drums Articulation 3Rimshot Arts.A#-2
Hertz Drums Articulation 8Cross StickF-2

Pic. 5 E-snare articulations on the MIDI page

E-HiHat configuration

Just like with the snare, Hertz Drums supports various types of electronic Hi-Hat pads. Depending on the Hi-Hat pad type we suggest using the following E-HiHat articulations available on the MIDI page (See Pic.6 for reference):

  • 2-zone Hi-Hat pad:

E-HiHat ArticulationNameDefault MIDI note
Hertz Drums Articulation 1Zone 1 Open-CloseG#-1
Hertz Drums Articulation 8PedalG#1
  • 3-zone Hi-Hat pad:

E-HiHat ArticulationNameDefault MIDI note
Hertz Drums Articulation 2Edge Open-CloseG-1
Hertz Drums Articulation 3Tip Open-CloseF#-1
Hertz Drums Articulation 8PedalG#1

Pic. 6 E-HiHat articulations on the MIDI page

E-HiHat pedal profile

Hertz Drums allows you to choose one of the 5 calibration profiles for your E-HiHat pedal, which determines how much your E-HiHat opens.

To change the E-HiHat profile (See Pic.7 for reference):

  1. Open the MIDI page by clicking the MIDI icon in the Top Panel;
  2. Open the E-HiHat Profile drop down menu and select one of the profiles.

E-Toms configuration

For E-drum toms we suggest using the Articulation 3 (L/R) available on the MIDI page for every tom. When this articulation is played several times in a row, the plugin plays
the left and right hand samples alternately, which closely replicates the natural way of
playing tom fills and rolls.


Pic.7 Changing E-HiHat opening profile

Changing Dynamic Profile

A Dynamic Profile in Hertz Drums determines to what extent the volume at which the samples are played by the plugin corresponds to the strength with which the drums are hit.

To access the list of available Dynamic Profiles (See Pic.8 for reference):

  1. Open the MIDI page by clicking the MIDI icon in the Top Panel;
  2. Open Dynamic Profile drop-down menu.

In this menu, Curve 1 sets up the dynamics in such a way that for light and hard strokes the plugin will play the light and hard hit samples correspondingly, but they will be played at the same volume.
Curve 3 is the default setting, which works best with Hertz Drums MIDI-grooves. 

Curve 5 works best with most E-drums, ensuring the most realistic feel and sound.

hertz drums guide 08

Pic. 8 The Dynamic Profile menu

Changing the Default State of the plugin

After you make any changes to the parameters, you can save this state of the plugin as the new Default State the plugin will be loading into.

To change the Default State of the plugin please follow the steps below (See Pic.9 for

  1. Open the Preset Menu in the Top Panel;
  2. Select the Save State as Default option.

Important: in case you run into any problems while setting up and using the plugin, please contact our tech support: [email protected]

To be able to use Hertz Drums to its full potential please read the full Hertz Drums Instruction Manual.


Pic. 9 Save State as Default


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