Can Hertz Drums win with competition?
This is the question asked by White Noise Studio in their review. Of course it can! Hertz Drums is a VST plugin created by professionals for professionals AND beginners! It sounds great out of the box but also has a wide variety of options so you can easily control your sound.Learn more on how to control your sound – CHECK OUT OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL
Video transcription
Hertz Drums
the first venture into the virtual instruments world
by Hertz Recording Studio
and these drums are what you hear right now
when you start working with a blogging like this
you will bump into things
you want to adjust and tweak
to make it fit the track you’re working on
and I’m happy to say that with Hertz Drums
this was smooth sailing
it all starts with finding the right sounds
this drum sample has at this point
a demo package and three extension libraries
each around 5 gigabytes full of drum samples
so there’s plenty to choose from
changing out a sample is really easy
and straightforward
besides having three mic variations to choose from
click on Library Sampler and you have this grit
for the snare
there are 15 choices with three Mike’s each
and you can monitor them very quickly
click on the one you like and press load
and you have swapped out a sample
for the other parts of the drums
the amount of samples vary
but there is a multitude to choose from
each bot has its own volume fader
they are some groups and room and reverb
now to ferrets with your sound
you get a ton of options as well
and these options are all bud drum or symbol
individually you dial in reverb and room
with his Rada Intuitive X Wipeout
and you have the ability to change the pitch
of each individual instrument
this is such a simple and effective tool
to let your drums sit better in the mix
for instance the snare and fallout
arms on this track are pitched down
the bleed and directness of a sound can be adjusted
more with the sliders
and the separate sub is a welcome addition
I found that these songs have a bit too much attack
for my liking fortunately
the Hertz Drums come with an ads R
again individual for every part of the drum kit
just a 1 millisecond
slower attack is all what is needed
this ads I can go much slower if you need
on the higher floor time I want to reduce this stain
again the areas are is ideal to tuck that tail in
you can set a dynamic range from minimal to max
either individually or for everything at once
this isn’t simply volume but really softer plate notes
key to get convincing programs acoustic drums is first
to make sure you don’t have a very stale
midy programming
so add some variations in volume and timing
and make sure
the drum parts actually can be played by drummer
second is to have enough variations in sound
midi programming is up to you
and Hertz Drums really does take care of
the second part
snare has dedicated multiple keys to the variations
let me AB between one key and 4
so you can hear the difference
and this was all quanticized and one velocity
and you can hear the difference
this goes for all drums
I said that
MIDI programming was up to you earlier in this video
but Hertz Drums comes with a whole set of grooves
which are nicely divided in intros
ants beats and fills this all with a lot of variation
if you find something you like
simply drag the MIDI file onto your timeline
since it’s MIDI you can adjust them as well
simple and clever and there are quite a few MIDI packs
you can get your hands on
one thing I dislike between the various drum library
samplers is that they all use their own MIDI mapping
now with Hertz drums
you can select the MIDI mapping of all the samplers
I have done this track with Superior Drummer 3
and normally there would be Thoms in the beginning
if I change the MIDI mapping to Superior Drama 3
this happens
that’s very user friendly
if you want to dive in
and mix each of these drums and symbols separately
that is also possible from within the output tab
you can set the amount of channels
and where each individual part should go to
this really is a great sounding drum library instrument
with all the features you need
and then some more
thanks to Hertz for sponsoring this video
you can find the link to Hertz
Drums in the description below